Anonimo: Oranges and lemons, Down in demerara, Tom dooley, Bobby shaftoe, Little polly flinders, Sing a song of sixpence, She'll be coming round the mountain, Hot cross buns, Les bouffons, Oh when the saints, Pease pudding hot, Aura lee, Polly-wolly-doodle, Dark eyes, Johnny todd, Russian dance, Frére jacques, De los alamos vengo, Song of the Volga boatman, Waly waly, Swing low sweet chariot, This is the day, Jingle bells, Il est né le divin enfant, Peace is flowing, Sleigh bells, Green bushes, We wish you a merry christmas, Apusski dusky. Burden, D.: The music box, Finders and thumb, Tambourin n. 1, Bass blues, Spanish vals, Viennese waltzer, The music box. Carulli, F.: 2 waltz. Foster, S.C.: Oh Susanna. Fucik: Entry of the gladiators. Haydn, J.: St Anthony chorale. Lennon, J. / McCartney, P.: Eleanor rigby. Tchaikovsky, P.I.: March slav
The young guitarist's progress. Repertoire series, part 1
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- Autor
- Burden, David