Bach: Cello suite nr. 1, 2, 5, Air BWV 1068,2(incluye cd) - DA MILANO / BACH: Fantasia XXXV, Christ lag in Todesbanden, Herzlich tut mich verlangen (2 versioni), Fantasia XXXVIII, O Traurigkeit, Fantasia XXVIII, Wer hat Dich so geschlagen, Petrus, der nicht denkt zurück
El testament d´amelia, Canço del lladre, La filadora, Lo fil del rei, Lo rossinyol, Plany, El mestre, L´hereu riera, La filla del marxant, La nit de nadal
Flor de peral, Au clair de la lune, Jingle bells, Quien dira la carbonerita, Adeste fideles, Tres en uno, Yankee doodle, Abreme a porta, San Serenin del monte, Danza antigua9,25
Standin' in the need of prayer, Go down Moses, Listen to the lambs, Swing low sweet chariot, Every time I feel the spirit, Give me that old time religion, Were you there, Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, I am troubled in mind, Nobody knows the trouble l've seen