English lute songs, Book 2

English lute songs, Book 2

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Dowland: Flow my tears, If my complaints could passions move, Now o now I needs must part, Come away come sweet love, Awake sweet love, I saw my lady weep, Fine knacks for ladies, Shall I Sue?, Toss not my soul, Clear or cloudy, Time stands still, daphne was not so chaste, Sorrow sorrow stay, When Phoebus first did Daphne love, Flow not so fast ye fountains, What if I never speed?, Farewell unkind farewell, Weep you no more, sad fountains, Fie on this feigning, Sweet stay awhile, To ask for all they love, Far from triumphing Court, In darkness let my dwell, Lady if you so spite me. Robert Jones: Go to bed sweet muse, What if I seek for love of thee?, Fie what a coil is here!, My father fain would have me take a man, My love hath her true love betrayed. Thomas Morley: O grief!en on the bud, I saw my lady weeping, It was a lover and his lass, Absence hear thou my protestation. Martin: Change thy mind since she doth change. Pilkington: Resr sweet nymphus, Now let her change, Diaphenia, Down a down thus Phyllis sung. Mason: Dido was the Carhage Queen. Rosseter: When Laura smiles, Sweet, come again, Though far from joy, Kind in unkindness, If I hope I pine, Shall I come if I swim?, if she forsake me, What then is love but mourning


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